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Durgamata's Shop

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(based on 485 reviews)

A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Resources for teaching Sikhism / Sikhism Day

Resources for teaching Sikhism / Sikhism Day

Just preparing background resources for a workshop introducing Sikhism. These will be of interest to anyone preparing work on Sikhism from KS1 to post 16. I will continue to add material as I find suitable resources. The video link tells the story of Guru Nanak. I have ordered the full video that this is taken from - and given the Amazon link here that I used. The 'parent' video includes 'episodes' about may religious leaders. Do add comments about how you use material and feedback/ratings as this helps others find what will be useful to them.
Workshop - the meaning of religion + Stone-Age Art

Workshop - the meaning of religion + Stone-Age Art

An initial assembly explores the question 'What is Religion' using many 'models' and questions. Moving on to Art-based activity, we look at Rock and Cave-Art thinking about what the Stone-Age people may have believed in / how they may have made sense of their world. Then using 'Stone-Age materials, create our own 'Cave-Art.'. Lots of opportunity for thinking about what we believe and why, asking questions, developing empathy and greater self-understanding.
Stoneage / Time Travel  / Belief in God  by year 9 girls

Stoneage / Time Travel / Belief in God by year 9 girls

In her encounter with the Stone Age Tribe, Rebecca takes part in a mammoth hunt and then, during the feast that follows, tells the Wise Elder about her world. He is impressed and shares the problems of his own tribe, asking if we have peace in our world. When Rebecca tells him about war and poverty he asks if there is no God in our world. In the second story, the author wonders if the 'Druid-Man she met might be able to help her answer her own questions. Great stories for encouraging reflection and debate on the big questions, with elements for primary and secondary age students.
Resources for teaching Hinduism / Hinduism Day

Resources for teaching Hinduism / Hinduism Day

Great resources which you can adapt for any age. Power Point Slide Show has over 80 slides and covers many topics. Save with different headings then delete slides to give many shorter slide shows - and show with music. Stories are versions of traditional stories about episodes in the lives of deities or the Ramayana and Mahabarata. Over a week’s work in these - and I’ll add to them. Don’t forget to give ratings and comments/feedback to help others find what they need. Contact if you would like a workshop - info@bluelotus.co
Conversations about religion / God / R Education

Conversations about religion / God / R Education

This section aims to share conversations about all sorts of important subjects. The first is in response to the email I sent about Religious Education and the English Bacc. - with a French Anarchist. It explores many interesting ideas and can be used to stimulate class discussion about what religion means and why we study Religious Education. If using with KS3 then some 'unpacking' may be needed, but the G + T fringe may enjoy it and some may respond by joining the campaign to support RE. A great example of how a potentially confrontational argument can end up as accord.
BBC series The Story of Science - The Universe

BBC series The Story of Science - The Universe

Fantastic programme about how science has learned more about the universe. It starts with the Ancient Greeks and the concept of the earth being the Centre of the Universe and moves on to the Hubble Telescope. On a personal note, I would have liked more than a passing reference to other cultures as Hindu astronomers had the sun at the centre of the universe thousands of years ago - and the Arab astronomers learned from them when the Mogul empire extended into India, but for what it sets out to cover it does a good job. It also introduces the Big Bang.
Aquatic Ape Theory Elaine Morgan Descent of Woman

Aquatic Ape Theory Elaine Morgan Descent of Woman

selected sections from Elaine Morgan's website, related to the Aquatic Ape Theory which she championed in her book The Descent of Woman. Many features of human beings suggest that we evolved for many millennia as a shore-dwelling species, and are strongly adapted to living in water. this is related to the Story of Adam and Eve. Woman was tempted by the snake (male organ) and offered her apple (fruitfulness) Man took it. (when approaching from the back became difficult he had to take the fruit by force - ie rape is the original sin...
Avesha Presentations, workshops, inset on Hinduism

Avesha Presentations, workshops, inset on Hinduism

Taken from Avesha's website, all the info is here to check out what is on offer. These workshops and insets are given by someone who knows Hinduism from the inside and has trained as an educator. The prices are fair and if they are a problem there is flexibility here. I have also included some of the comments and responses to Avesha's work and some of the images from a slide show visit to ISKON's headquarters.
Human Rights, Women's Rights The UN, Pakistan

Human Rights, Women's Rights The UN, Pakistan

Ra'ana Mahmood is a Pakistani Doctor who started a non-govermnental organisation called the Geriatric Care Foundation. She is in New York for a Human Rights Conference, presenting a paper about the situation in Pakistan, regarding Women's Rights and the position of Elderly people in Pakistan. Ra&'ana is a good friend of mine and emailed me last night to ask if I would check through her report and correct her mistakes in English. Her report is quite moving AND a rich resource for both RE and Citizenship. Ra&';ana says I may share it here. Please give feedback / rating if you use this.
Different ways of being Christian, views of Bible

Different ways of being Christian, views of Bible

Both these documents are more or less the same at the moment, but I will add to them. They arise from a question on Creation Story - but also touch on issues in other threads. KS4 + Post 16, give the whole document to 'thread info they already know' onto it, plus see where it falls short. (any generalisation is inevitably false.) Those who practise a faith can try to position themselves, those who belong to a religious community can look for examples of all these 'types' of Christian (or Muslim etc) in their faith community.
Twenty World Views

Twenty World Views

A 40 page document prepared for students attending 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions - an overview of 20 World Views - including many great World Religions plus Atheist and Agnostic perspectives. It is a good for reference and comparison. Appendix explores Interfaith work, outlines MOE (Minorities of Europe charity) gives a little history of the Parliament of the World's Religions and info about Sri Chinmoy who opened the last two PofWR with silent meditation and music + Swami Vivekananda (star of the first one.) Free to download here (usually pay for this.)
Pagan and Neo-Pagan perspectives - Imbolg, Tiw

Pagan and Neo-Pagan perspectives - Imbolg, Tiw

Imbolg is the first of many subjects I hope to explore under this heading. If there are others which you would like me to include, do send a PM. Imbolg is the festival which marks the beginning of spring, when the goddess Bride and her groom (the terms Bride and Groom originate here) get together and the year unfolds in all its glory. There are ceremonies to turn away winter and welcome spring - clear out the old and welcome the new ... It is celebrated around the 2nd February - which happens to be today, Happy Imbolg!
Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha photos/youtube links

Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha photos/youtube links

A play about the life of Buddha, staged in a small Off Broadway theatre last year. I give a brief outline of each episode and links to the episodes found on Youtube. This is and amateur video but still manages to capture something of who Buddha was and what he taught. If anyone would like a copy of the full video I can supply it if they contact me on a pm. As always it would be great to get some good feedback, comments or rating etc - as a guide for anyone else who may be interested in this.
What is Religion - an approach by DurgaMata

What is Religion - an approach by DurgaMata

This is an approach to the subject of Religion which has evolved over about 20 years of teaching in a number of different schools. It is an approach which has evolved in response to a climate of general hostility towards RE, and it has been effective in making a difference, connecting with the students and developing a positive and enthusiastic attitude. I am intending eventually to publish it, including some worksheets I have created and examples of students work - but today I am inspired just to share it here as a free download in the hopes that you may find it interesting and helpful.
Britain's Secret Schindler -  Nicholas Winton

Britain's Secret Schindler - Nicholas Winton

chanel 5 at 8 pm on Thursday 27th Jan - in response to Holocaust memorial day a 45 minute programme about the Kindertransport which rescued Jewish children from Czechoslovakia this is an article about Nicholas Winton and the events around the kindertransport
Sue Phillips and the Theatre of Learning

Sue Phillips and the Theatre of Learning

Sue is an inspirational RE teacher who has found creative approaches to engage her students. Many of these are based on visualisation and role-play. They are all creative and deeply spiritual. I can not recommend them too highly. The attached information is just an introduction. If you can arrange to attend a workshop - or if you have done so in the past, you will know what I mean. BRILLIANT. Please add a comment if you have experience of Sue's work
What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

A sweeping reflection on life which explores and celebrates the beauty and mystery of of our planet, introducing a range of concepts from different religions and world views. In art and music it may stimulate composition. The origins are in RE where the poem emerged from my struggle to get year 10 to engage with the question of God in a serious way - it was movingly effective - but I want to include the questions of suffering and evil and still struggle with this, to keep it a poem and not a book! I hope to publish eventually but do use it as a basis for discussion or creative response.
The King James Bible - Old Testament

The King James Bible - Old Testament

This year is the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. The BBC celebrated this event with a special day during which significant passages were read. I did my best to download them all as they can be used as a great resource when introducing the Bible or teaching Christianity - especially GCSE and A level These files relate to the Old Testament. Do make a comment or give some rating if you use any of my resources as it helps me to know what is useful and others to find the resources they need.
Why is it important to have good RE?

Why is it important to have good RE?

The first file here tells the story of Jim Jones and his Temple which ended up in Guyana, with over 900 people dead. The second file is an excellent article about why RE is important. Next, The Nature of Love, can be used as a GCSE/post 16 revision aid. I include it here as it relates to what I have written about engaging students in the 4th file. The fourth file is an example of the way that good RE really can make a difference. Happy Christmas everyone.
Peace on Earth - practical strategies

Peace on Earth - practical strategies

This is a resource for all my great colleagues - to explore practical strategies that we can use to make our lives stronger and more peaceful. The idea behind this is that if we can become spiritually stronger and more peaceful that will impact on our students, classes, colleagues and schools - to say nothing of its effect on our families and our own happiness. So I am asking you all to send me your own favourite 'weapons for peace' which we all can share and benefit from. As always please give feedback and a rating.